Friday, January 5, 2007


Happy New Year . I hope this works as we are just on our way out to the capital of Niamey for a spiritual life conference ,which is the mission in Niger 's yearly conference and social time with misionaries from across the country. It is a 450 kms away in a bush taxi , or a crowded 1995 Toyota minivan with no shocks, air , but lots of natural freshness and about a 50/50chance of a breakdown. We will be blown in by the winds as the weather has been particularily windy and cold for here. The temp was 4C just a bit north of here this week with no humidity in the air and strong winds. The locals just dress a bit warmer,extra shirt,or wrap and complain how cold it is.How canadian is that. The babies often wear next to nothning and sleep in their same mud houses. So windy cool days feel the same to them as the cold ,short ,dark days of January that you get at home. I think home is warmer as you can get out of the wind and weather. If you are interested the Harmattan winds that blow here start about 400kms east by Lake Chad and than build and end up in South America. An interesting picture can be found on the web at ,then click on Natural Hazards , and go to dust and drought section and on the map click on the middle of Africa icon for a great picture and a world perspective. It truly is amazing how God has made this all so interconnected, and we are just now figuring it out. So have a great weekend and congrat to the Canadian Juniors, I am sad that we missed the big game. Jerry


Anonymous said...

the game was a nail biter,with the Americans.
Thanks for all the updates,keep up the good work.LAV.from P.A.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jerry and Carol and boys,

Thanks for keeping us updated on what you're doing in Africa - we know more about your life now than when you're in P.A.!
Looks like you're having a great experience out there.
Too bad you missed the blizzard of 07! I'm sure you've already heard it was a good one.
Enjoy the warm weather there - God bless as you continue serving Him.
Karen and Jim Boldt

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark and family hope ur having fun!!!!!!!!!!