Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Agricultural pictures

It's time to blog once again. This may become a bit less frequent as we are having some "issues" with our computer. We have been enjoying the changes we've observed in the crops that are currently being grown in the area around Galmi. The onion fields started out so small, and within 5 weeks, have grown so fast. As you can see from the picture, they have developed an irrigation system here, with a cement drainage system that carries the water to the fields. It reminded Jerry of the system in Alberta from years ago. These onions are very well known here in Niger, as well as in Europe, as they export them all over. The workers dig by hand with some basic tools, and the effort to produce food is tremendous. It makes one very appreciative of the technology available at home, and the abundance of such variety of foods. For example, I was down to some very basic items for fresh fruit and vegetables at Christmas, until a trader came to my door selling some carrots. This was a major treat! There is food available, but one never knows just what that will be until the trader comes to the door and you can see the items being sold. Currently in season, we have carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, bananas, and melons. So that is what we use for our cooking, and supplement those things with items out of a tin. Creativity is definitely developed in these moments! My family is certainly learning to appreciate the simple things in life, like those fresh pineapples, and homemade yogurt. It's a beautiful thing!


Anonymous said...

Hope I get to hear more,love the site so far everyone sounds busy and enjoying themselves,Laverne

Anonymous said...

hi mathew this is keegan we have to wrirt you,the other class moved in with us, in dogeball the gupies[ the grade 7s beat the eskamos grade 8s in the finall] i hope you are having a good time i would never be able to last that long in a country that far away from home. we just did that socal thing i feel sory for you that you have that whole thing i would probebly cry. hopefully the hotel or motel is don't pet the lians on the safari.