Today I went to a well that was being dug by hand. This well was already 11 meters and going on 12. The well is being funded by SIM so we went out with a lady from the compound named Jeannie. She took us on the main road and then we turned off on into village. We went through the village, and up and over a big hill, down the other side and off onto a road which lead to the well. The well had been dug by the meter which meant that they would dig a meter and then they would pour a cement ring to seal the walls off from collapsing down and ruining the project forever. The 4 workers had been called in to build the well. They all are not from the village in which the well is being dug. The piles of dirt represent every meter that has been dug. The lightest dirt is actually a hard clay which took the workers a long time to dig and get through. To get down to the bottom of the well, you are lowered down in a bucket that two men pull up and down. This well is very hrd work and the cement is all mixed on the ground behind the well. Then, stones are added to harden and make the cement stronger and more firm. They have to dig the well untill they find water.
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