Saturday, December 9, 2006

Mark's African Adventure

This is the house that we live in. The fence is made of mud, and it has lots of lizards running on it. There are many lizards that live here, and they are very shy - they will run up the side of the house or across the yard and up the tree as soon as I come close. So far we have caught some lizards and a praying mantis, and we've seen lots of camels and donkeys, hippos, giraffes, a hedgehog, a baby viper, and many different kinds of bugs. Matthew caught a gecko last night and when it tried to get away the tail came off in his hands and off the gecko went minus his tail. The tail wiggled for a long time after.

We went to the market place on Wednesday, and saw so many different things you could eat. There were fried locusts (just take off the wings and legs before you eat!), peanut balls (crushed peanuts squished until all the oil is out), live chickens hanging upside down around necks of the boys trying to sell them, and vegetables grown here. There were lots of people and lots of noise and lots of dust.

We started to go to school again. There is a little schoolhouse here on the compound, that has school desks, a blackboard, and English books in it for any missionary children here. We are going to go to the village school on Monday and teach them English and maybe even football. That should be fun!

Watch for more of Mark's African Adventure! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

kennedy said...

Hi, it's kennedy again!
well, sorry i have 2 go so soon, but my ride is here 4 b-ball,
dawson says hi!